Garlic Shrimp Fried Rice

The whole family is going to love this Garlicky Shrimp Fried Rice, which uses a whole head of garlic and lots of plump, peeled shrimp.

Like seafood, love garlic? Us too. We got you covered.




Cooked rice


Shaoxing wine

Crack 2 eggs into a bowl and whisk until yolks and whites are combined.

In another small bowl, mix together 2 teaspoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon Shaoxing wine, and ⅛ teaspoon ground white pepper.

Heat half of the 2 tablespoons oil in a wok on medium-high heat.

Pour in the whisked eggs, swirling them around the pan until they are just scrambled but not browned. Transfer to a plate.

Return the wok to the heat and add the remaining oil, followed by 1 head of minced garlic and 8-ounce peeled shrimp.

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